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Active Adults Classes & Presentations

Logo of "SENIOR PLANET - Aging with Attitude" with a stylized red "at" symbol.
Helping Seniors thrive in today's digital world
Senior Planet - Aging with Attitude (Click Here for a list of courses) 

We are excited to bring you Senior Planet, in partnership with AARP. This program is made possible through sponsorships and grants by DMEA/ELEVATE, as well as NEXT50. This program is designed to help seniors thrive in today’s digital world by providing opportunities to learn new skills, stay connected, and enjoy a vibrant community. With Senior Planet, you can join engaging in-person and online classes. Whether you’re looking for smartphone tips, password safety, photo organizing, or laptop basics, we have you covered! Senior Planet will help you use technology to manage your finances and medical care. It will also help you use technology to build meaningful connections, through online book clubs, exercise classes, genealogy discussions, and much more from the comfort of your home. We will start out with a Kick Off Party to gauge participant interest. Our first course will focus on Computer Essentials, and more classes will be rolled out soon. Class schedules will be posted on and can be emailed to you—just reach out to Liz at or 970-252-4884 for details. Fee assistance is available so no one is turned away for lack of funds, and all equipment is provided. Join us to learn, connect, and make the best use of digital technology.

Session 2 -AI and Disinformation -AI and Disinformation -  Artificial Intelligence can help and harm. This Lecture will cover types of disinformation, where it circulates, best practices for Evaluating information and ways to help detect AI .

Day: Monday

Date: Feb 17

Time: 9:00 am - 10:30 am

Fee: $5* Fee assistance available

Registration Code: 50+SP-02

Location - Montrose Pavilion Senior Center

Session 3 - AI all Around - This lecture will cover everyday uses of Artificial Intelligence including predictive AI, which has been around for a long time, as well as generative AI like ChatGPT. We will explore different platforms and strategies to improve your use of AI.

Day: Wednesday

Date: Feb 19
Time: 9:00 am - 10:30 am
Fee: $5* Fee assistance available
Registration Code: 50+SP-03
Location - Montrose Pavilion Senior Center

Session 4 - Tech Resources for Everyday Life - By the end of this 5-week
course, you’ll be able to use a variety of resources to make your life easier,
from managing everyday tasks to communicating with others. You’ll use the
internet to explore your interests and passions, connect with others, and
even contact your lawmakers. You’ll also learn best practices for staying
safe in the digital world and managing your privacy and security settings in
the Chrome browser.

Days: Mondays and Wednesdays   Dates: February 24-March 26
Time: 9:00 am - 10:30 am
Fee: $50* Fee assistance available
Registration Code: 50+SP-04
Location - Montrose Pavilion Senior Center

Session 5 - Finding Information Online - Knowing how to effectively search for information on the internet is a useful skill in today’s world where just about everything is online. In this workshop,
we’ll learn how to search with Google, then refine, explore, and evaluate the
Day: Monday
  Date: March 31
Time: 9:00 am - 10:30 am
Fee: $5* Fee assistance available
Registration Code: 50+SP-05
Location - Montrose Pavilion Senior Center

Session 6 - Sharing Photos with a Smartphone - This hands-on workshop wll teach you to select photos, send photos, share photos via text and post photos to Social Media
Day: Wednesday 
Dates: April 2
Time: 9:00 am - 10:30 am
Fee: $5* Fee assistance available
Registration Code: 50+SP-06
Location - Montrose Pavilion Senior Center

Session 7 - Getting Started with Zoom -  Connect with your family and friends near and far! In this workshop, you will learn how to sign up for a Free Zoom account, schedule a meeting, share a meeting invite and explore the Gallery and Speaker views on Zoom.
Day: Monday
Date: April 7
Time: 9:00 am - 10:30 am
Fee: $5* Fee assistance available
Registration Code: 50+SP-07
Location - Montrose Pavilion Senior Center

Session 09 - Smartphone Photography - This course will take you through the
basics of using your smartphone's camera and discuss some foundational
principles of photography. We will explore how to take pictures and videos, where
to find them, how to delete them, as well as learn about the basic editing features
included in your smartphone. To start, you'll need to have general knowledge of
how to use your smartphone.
Days: Mondays and Wednesdays   Dates: April 21 - May 21
Time: 9:00 am - 10:30 am
Fee: $50* Fee assistance available
Registration Code: 50+SP-09
Location - Montrose Pavilion Senior Center

See our Summer Activity Guide - Coming at the end of March - for more classes!



Golden Circle Education / Performance Series at the Senior Center - 1 PM

This is a free Education/Performance series with a jar for voluntary donations to help support Senior Center Activities. Donations are not required. All presentations take place at the Senior Center, 1800 Pavilion Drive at 1 pm, unless otherwise indicated. Call Liz at 970-252-4884 to reserve a seat. All ages are welcome to attend these presentations.


Monday, March 17, 1 PM

Valley Food Partnership - Connecting Local Agriculture with Local People

Valley Food Partnership envisions a resilient regional food system that sustains the land, producers and healthy community. There programs include the Montrose Farmer’s Market, Local Farmacy RX, Cultivating farmers and ranchers that thrive, and the Community Food Access  Program.

Presenter: Penelope Powell – Executive Director 


Monday, April 7 1PM

The Planting Benefits of Red Wiggler Worms

Enhance your soil with red wiggler worms! These composting champions improve aeration, enrich nutrients, and create healthier, more productive plants through natural, eco-friendly waste breakdown and soil conditioning.

Presenter: Sandy Sellars – Red Wiggler Farmer


Monday, April 21 1 pm

John Muir – Champion of Wilderness and Conservation. Pioneer and Father of our National Parks

Discover the inspiring life of John Muir, renowned Naturalist and Conservationist. Explore his adventures, writings and lasting impacts on America’s National Parks and environmental movement.
Presenter: Lori Syme – Retired National Park Service Ranger


Monday, April 28 1 pm

E-Bike Essentials: Ride into the Future

Experts from Montrose Surf and Cycle will be on hand to discuss different types of e-bikes available, the type best for our community, regulations, maintenance and where to enjoy them.

Presenter: Montrose Surf and Cycle – Paul Tickner


Monday, May 5 1 PM

George Armstrong Custer and the Battle at the Little Bighorn

George Armstrong Custer was a dichotomy. Hero or villain?  The mere mention of his name was, and still is, enough to incite accusatory hatred or passionate defense. What choices did he make (and why?) that ultimately cost him and the 7th Calvary their lives on the Little Bighorn Battlefield. With Kate Burke, publisher of books written about the battle by the Monument’s Interpretive rangers. Copies of the books and live-action DVDs of the author’s battle story and reenactment will be available at the presentation.

Presenter: Kathryn Burke – Author and Speaker


Monday, May 12 1 PM

Embracing Alternatives to Single Use Plastics

Discover simple, eco-friendly swaps to reduce plastic waste! Learn how sustainable alternatives can protect our planet while improving daily life, creating a cleaner, greener future for generations to come.

Presenter: Mary Loncar - Conservationist


Monday, June 6 1 pm

PIR (Physiologic Insulin Resensitization) for Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

PIR is a promising therapeutic approach that focuses no improving the body’s response to insulin by using a more natural and physiological method of insulin utilization

Presenter: Dr. Manuel Nunez – Compass Medical Center


Monday June 23 1 pm

“Fentanyl: Death Incorporated”

This gripping documentary uncovers the truth behind the Fentanyl epidemic, the leading cause of death for Americans aged 18-45

Presenter: Ed Pecis – Retired Department of Justice Statistical Analysis Center President and Member of the California Narcotic Officers’ Association.


Monday, July 14 1 pm

Brain Integration Rewiring

Brain Integration Therapy is a non-invasive, evidence-based therapy that aims to improve brain function and coordination by engaging the body’s natural movements and sensory systems. It can be used to improve learning ability, creativity and physical coordination.

Presenter: Yolanda Del Hierro – Brain Integration Rewiring Specialist


Monday July 28 1 PM

Why Your Stories Matter: The Power of Passing Down Your Legacy

Our stories shape history, identity, and wisdom. This presentation explores the profound impact of sharing personal experiences with younger generations, preserving culture, strengthening connections, and inspiring future storytellers.

Presenter: Laura Padgett – Author, Speaker, Dancer and Podcaster


Montrose Newcomers and Neighbors

The purpose of Newcomers & Neighbors is to help you learn more about your hometown and the area and to meet other newcomers and neighbors! Neighbors are former newcomers who enjoy the meetings and getting acquainted with new people.
Meetings: First Wednesday monthly – September through May with a guest speaker from 10 am – 11:30 am
Location: Senior Center 1800 Pavilion Drive
Field Trips - Third Wednesday monthly to areas of interest – 10:00 am followed by lunch
Questions? Contact Char Proctor 970-417-4236

Smart Phone Help

Bring your smartphone and your questions. This is a student-led discussion. We will discuss and experiment with a variety of features on your smartphone. We will schedule sessions around instructor, Marc Hitchcox’s availability.

  • Call Liz at 970-252-4884 to register.
  • Location: Senior Center
  • Fee: free

Open Computer Lab

Check out a Chromebook to work on your own projects, or bring your own electronic device. A Volunteer will be available to answer your tech questions. Please contact Liz @ 970-252-4884 if you are wanting to reserve a spot for our tech volunteer.

Days: Wednesdays

Time: 1-3 pm

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