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CRC Fees and Passes

Workout, swim, shoot hoops, climb and socialize with others.  We offer a wide variety of activities for anyone and everyone to keep you active and healthy.  

Daily AdmissionResidentNon-Resident
Youth (3 - 17 Years Old)$5.50$7.00
Adult (18 - 59 Years Old)$8.00$10.00
Senior (60 and Older)$6.50$8.00
Annual Membership and Pass Rates * The Field House and seasonal pool are now includedMonthly Paid in Full3 Month Pass10 Punch Pass*20 Punch Pass*
Youth (3 - 17 Years Old)$22.00$264$110$55$99
Young Adult (18 - 26 Years Old)$31.00$372$130$80$144
Adult (27 - 59 Years Old)$40.00$480$160$80$144
Senior (60 and Older)**$27.00$324$125$65$117
Family of 4***$70.00$840$240
***Additional Family Members$11.00$132$45
Child Watch ( $6 daily)$25.00$300 $117

*10 and 20 punch passes expire 1 year from date of purchase

**Disabled Individuals Pay Senior Rate

Military Discount: Active, retired and Veterans receive an additional 10% off all passes for themselves

Additional  Information:

  • 50% off an additional annual membership in the same household (of equal or lesser value)
  • Annual Passes may be paid in 12 monthly installments or in full.  The rate shown for monthly reflects a 15% discount if using ACH. Annual passes paid monthly will stay active unless you cancel. 
  • 3 month passes, 10 and 20 punch passes must be paid in full at the time of purchase. 
  • 10 and 20 punch passes may be used by more than one person in the same age category. Only one active punch pass per person.
  • Friday Family Fun nights - Discounted rate of $4.00 per person from 4:00 pm till closing.

MRD Refund Procedures

Updated Refund Procedures.pdf



Annual Passes, Punch Cards & 3 Month Passes are available. Annual pass memberships, punch cards and daily admission includes: Cost of general admission, access to entire facility (Leisure pool, competitive pool, lazy river, fitness room, racquetball courts, gymnasium, workout area, game room, climbing wall, shower/locker rooms, family changing rooms, therapy pool), Aquatic fitness classes, unlimited Fit Zone classes, water walking, lap swimming and open swim. Lockers are not included. 

May contain: gym, fitness, working out, sport, e-scooter, vehicle, and transportation
May contain: shoe, footwear, clothing, sneaker, advertisement, and logo



Membership Agreement

Click on the links for the Membership Agreement and Cancellation policy:

May contain: logo
2024 Membership Agreement English 1-3-24.pdfSpanish Version.pdf

Membership Cancellation:

Membership Cancellation Form.docx.pdfSPANISH - Membership Cancellation Form.pdf
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