Adult Sports
We offer leagues for adults (high school age and older) year-round. The registration deadline for most leagues will be during the month prior to league starting. All of our adult sports are listed in the menu below click on the sport or sports you are interested in for more information.
If you are interested in playing Adult Sports but don't have a team, please take a couple seconds and answer these questions. We will try to set you up with a team. There is no fee to fill out the information, but there may be a fee paid to the captain if placed on a team.
Spring Softball - NEW - TWO Pitch 2025
Two pitches, 35 minute games and double headers on most nights. Get your swing back in the groove. 2 pitch is a great way to get your team together and ready for the Summer season. You will pitch to your own team so no walks-all hits.
- Dates:March 24-May 8
- Registration Deadline: March 7
- Team Fee: $450 before Feb 21st - $500 after
- Men's : Mondays or Wednesdays
- Women's : Wednesdays
- Co-ed: Tuesdays or Thursday
- Code: ASBSP
We are limiting the number of teams so make sure you register early!
Summer Softball 2025 (Date's TBD)
Adult Softball is a great way to spend your summer evenings. Get your friends, coworkers, family, or random dudes together for a team. Most divisions will only play one night a week. This league is regular softball and not one pitch. 10 game season and the top 4 in each division will advance to the end of season playoffs.
- Dates: TBD
- Time: 6:15 - 10:15 pm
- Fee: TBD
- Age: Adults and 15+
- Registration Deadline:
- Divisions:
- Men’s Leisure - Mon/Wed
- Men’s Competitive - Wednesdays
- Coed Leisure - Tue/Thu
- Coed Competitive - Tuesdays
- Women’s Wednesdays
- Location: Ute/Holly Park
- Registration Code: ASB
Fall Softball 2025 (Dates TBD)
Got your swing in the groove and want to keep playing? Your team just started to gel and play well? This new program is a great way to keep your team together and continue the summer season.
- Schedules & Standings
- Dates:
- Registration Deadline:
- Team Fees:
- Co-ed: Tuesdays -Sign up for Upper or Lower but may be combined
- Men's : Wednesdays -Sign up for Upper or Lower but may be combined
We are limiting the number of teams to 24 each night so make sure you register early!

Try out one of the fastest-growing sports in the country! Pickleball is a racket sport that combines the elements of badminton, tennis, and table tennis. The game is easy for beginners to learn but can develop into a quick, fast-paced, competitive game for experienced players. New players are encouraged to attend the Intro to Pickleball Clinic. For more information about Pickleball, contact Matt at 970-497-8573
Want more Pickleball information? CLICK HERE to be added to the email list and get updates.
To read the most recent Newsletter click on this link: JANUARY NEWSLETTER
Intro to Pickleball Clinic
Learn the rules of the game, scoring, strategy, paddle technique, and court positioning. Practice your serves ground strokes, backhand, overhead smashes, dinks, lobs, and drop shots. All equipment is provided.
- Dates: 1st & 3rd Tuesday monthly
- Fee: $20
- Time: 1:30-3:00 pm (varies seasonally)
- Location: CRC Gym
Pickleball Lessons with Lenon
Lenon Farkash is offering small group lessons (4 people per group). Email to schedule a lesson. Fee: Based on the type of lesson.
Pickleball Lessons with Mark Faucett
Mark is offering small group lessons (4 people per group) as well as individual lessons. Contact Matt at 970-497-8573 to schedule with Mark. Fee: Based on the lesson
Pickleball Lessons with Jerry Hollingshead
Jerry is offering small group lessons (4 people per group) as well as individual lessons. Contact Matt at 970-497-8573 to schedule with Jerry. Fee: $25 per person
Spring Fling Round Robin Tournament - Saturday, March 8th
We still have openings for the 3.0 and 4.0+ divisions with waitlist in both 3.5 divisions.
- 4.0 + ands 3.5+ 8:00-10:30 am
- Low 3.5-and 3.0/Beginner 11:00 am - 1:30 pm
- Cost: $16
- Registration Opens: January 15
- Registration Deadline: Feb 28th- or until filled (16 players per division)
- Registration Code: PBTourneyspring
- Location: Indoor Blue and Gray courts at the Rec Center
This tourney is near St Patrick's Day so come in your best costume or fun dress up. The best costume will be awarded for the morning group and the afternoon group.
Here's how the tourney works:
1. Players sign up as individuals, in advance. Since we need exactly 16 players per division, those who sign up must commit to show up.
2. Each player is identified by a number. The schedule shows who your partner and opponents will be. You will play 6 games.
3. These games are timed. You will play for 15 minutes or play to 11 and win by 2, whichever comes first. Then you rotate with a new partner and new opponents. The event lasts a little over 2 hours.
4. Final score is by "win" / "loss" per game. We will also track points scored against you. The individual player's wins are totaled at the end of the games to determine the winners. If there is a tie, we look at the total points allowed. The player with the least number of points scored against them is the winner. Points matter!
5. No tied games. If you are tied when time is up, you continue to play rally scoring. This means the first team to make an error loses the point and their opponents win.
6. Prizes will be awarded for first, second, and third place in each division.
12th Annual Alpine Bank Pickleball Tournament 2025 June 21-22nd
Join us for a great time and challenging games. Registration for this tournament is NOW OPEN. Register as an individual but make sure you include who your partner will be and have the get registered asap.
Spring Volleyball 6v6 and 4v4 (2025)
Volleyball leagues are offered for six-person teams in women's & coed play. Each team will play a round-robin schedule including a season-ending single-elimination tournament. This program is for players ages 15 and older, or in High School.
- Team Fee: $350 for 6v6 with officials and $225 for all 4v4 divisions (self officiated) $50 discount if registered and paid before February 4th.
- Registration Deadline: February 24th
- Dates: March 10 - May 8th
- Times: 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
- League Play:
- Monday - Coed Leisure 6v6
- Tuesday - Women's Leisure 6v6
- Tuesday - Men's 4v4
- Wednesday - Women's Competitive 4v4
- Thursday - Coed Competitive 4v4
- Location: Montrose Community Recreation Center
Fall Volleyball 6v6 and 4v4 (2024)
Volleyball leagues are offered for teams in women's, men's & coed play. Each team will play an 8 game league schedule and a season-ending tournament for the top 4-6 teams in each division. Ages 15 and older.
- Schedule & Standings
- Registration Deadline: September 3rd
- Schedule & Standings will be available when the season begins
- Team Fees: $350 for 6v6
- $225 for 4v4 (self officiated, until playoffs)
- Early Registration discount of $50 if you register before August 10th.
- League Play: September 16 - November 7
- Monday - Coed Leisure 6 v 6
- Tuesday - Women's Leisure 6 v 6 and Men's 4v4
- Wednesday - Women's Comp. 4 v 4
- Thursday - Coed Comp. 4 v 4
- Times: 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
- Location: CRC

Come relive those playground days in the Montrose Kickball League. Coed teams consisting of 10 or more players will play 8 league games and an end-of-season tournament. Theme nights include Superheroes, 80's, 90's, Pink Out, etc. Beer is allowed in the dugouts for those 21+. This league is laid back and open to anyone 15 years and older. Get your friends together for a fun time.
- Schedules & Standings
- Monday Night League (Nights may be combined depending upon registrations)
- Thursday Night League (Nights may be combined depending upon registrations)
- Game Times: 6:30 - 9:30 pm
- Dates: August 2025
- Team Fee: $400 per team before August 6, $450 after
- Registration Deadline:
- Rules

More soccer fun, but indoors where it’s nice and cool! Teams will play 6v6 and 8 games with top 4 advancing to playoffs. Rosters will be limited to 12 players/team. Competitive coed teams may not have more than 2 men’s competitive league players, and leisure coed teams may have 1. No more than 1 male/female may play on coed in different divisions.
Winter Season 2025
- Dates: Vary by division, see below
- Age: 15+
- Fee: Vary by division, see below
- Registration Deadline: December 20th for Coed, January 2
- Men’s Competitive - Sundays starting Jan. 19-Mar. 16: 1:30-8:30 pm; $600
- Coed Competitive - Mondays starting Jan. 6-Feb. 24 : 7:00-10:00 pm; $500
- Women's 6v6 Full field - Tuesdays starting Jan. 7- Feb.25: 7:30-9:30 pm;
- Coed Leisure - Wednesdays starting Jan. 8-Feb.26: 7:00-10:00 pm: $500
- Location: Field House
- Registration Code: ASfh
Fall Season 2024
- Dates: Oct 6 - Dec 13
- Age: 15+
- Team Fees: Men's $600, Coed $500
- Early Registration Discount of $50 if you register and pay by September 10th.
- Registration Deadline: September 25th
- Men’s Competitive - Sundays 2:00-7:00 pm
- Coed Competitive - Mondays 7:00-10:00 pm
- Coed Leisure - Wednesdays 7:00-10:00 pm
- Location: Field House
- Registration Code: ASfh
3 v 3 Basketball (Coed & Men's Divisions) 2024
Half Court 3v3 is offered for Men's & Coed teams. Each game will consist of 3 games to 11.
- Registration Deadline: October 25
- League Play: November 11 - December 16
- Game Times: 6:30 - 9:30 pm
- Coed/Women's League - Tuesdays
- Men's League- Mondays
- Team Fee: $200
- $50 Early Registration Discount if registered and paid before October 5th
- Location: CRC
- Player Fee: NO individual player fees only team fee
5 v 5 Basketball (Comp & Leisure Divisions) 2025
Full Court, five on five basketball leagues will be offered and begin in January 2025. Open divisions for all men and women above the age of 15. Teams will play a minimum of 8 games, usually 2 scheduled nights per week plus a post-season tournament.
- Registration Deadline: December 18th
- League Play: Jan. 6th - February 27th
- Game Times: 6:30 - 10:0 p.m. at the Montrose Community Recreation Center
- Team Fee: $600 if registered before Dec. 6th, $650 after.
- Player Fee: NO individual player fees, only team fee
- Competitive League: Mondays & Wednesdays
- Leisure League: Tuesdays & Thursdays
- Free Agent List- Sign up on the free agent form
Basketball Officials Training
We are always looking for new officials that are motivated and willing to learn. FREE training provided by a NCAA Certified official.

Do you ever want to throw a ball at someone and not get in trouble? Now is your chance! Teams play 6v6 with non stop action sure to get your adrenaline flowing. Chuck Norris gives this program 2 thumbs up.
- Dates: Nov 12 - Dec 17
- Days: Tuesdays
- Time: 7:00 - 9:30 pm
- Fee: $350/team
- $50 Early Registration Discount if registered and paid by October 10th
- Age: Adults and 15+
- Registration Deadline: October 25
- Location: Field House
- Registration Code: ADodge
Flag Football Tournaments Fall and Spring
6 on 6, non-blocking flag football is offered for the 15 & older crowd. Form your own teams; equipment will be supplied by MRD on game days. Get your friends together as a team.
- Schedule & Standings
- Registration Deadline: April 12 th
- Team Fee: $250 per team
- Date: Saturday, April 26th
- Game Times: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm at Ute/Holly Park
- League Rules