Records Request
Pursuant to 24-72-205 C.R.S
The district's research and retrieval fee is $33.58 per hour
District Policy
Pursuant to Resolution No. 2023-7, as amended, which was adopted by the Montrose Recreation District Board of Directors, the District is authorized to impose the maximum fees set forth in Section 24-72-205(6), C.R.S., as amended from time to time, for all costs incurred on the research and retrieval of public records requested under the Colorado Open Records Act. Copies, printouts, and/or photographs of public records in a format other than a standard page will be charged at actual cost. All requests for copies or inspection of public records must be submitted on the form provided. Email/submit completed forms to Upon receipt of the completed form, we will notify the requester if the records are readily available for inspection and the fees to be charged. If the records are in active use, in storage, or are otherwise not readily available at the time of the request, we will let the requestor know when those records will be available. Inspections of public records may take place during regular business hours at the CRC by appointment. We will deliver copies of public records to the requester via United States mail, other delivery service, or in person only upon receipt of payment for all costs associated with records transmission unless we determine to waive fees. You can expect to receive the records as soon as practicable, but not more than three (3) working days after receipt of such payment, unless extenuating circumstances exist.
Records Request FOIA Form.pdf